Leveraging data from multiple sources, CLIX serves as a reliable and independent source of insurance industry losses from natural catastrophes. CLIX industry losses are updated quarterly and allow the tracking of loss developments.
Key Figures

Key Facts
Point estimates for Cat industry losses exceeding USD 1bn
CLIX provides reliable and independent point estimates of industry losses for all major natural catastrophe since the year 2000. Losses are based on a broad range of information sources and with global coverage, excluding the US.
Multiple data sources and expert panel
CLIX industry losses are based on data from multiple sources which are assessed and weighted by a panel of industry specialists to produce a CLIX industry loss.
More than 20 years of history
The CLIX database includes all Cat events since 1 January 2000 which have generated industry losses in excess of USD 1bn.
Regular updates of industry losses
CLIX industry losses are updated quarterly. Each loss estimate is assigned a reporting date, allowing users to track the development of an event loss over time.
Other features
- Territorial scope: worldwide excluding US and US offshore territories
- Perils: all natural perils
- Lines of business: all non-life insurance excluding liability
- Reporting currency: USD
- Reporting trigger: USD 1bn (adjusted for pre-2020 losses)
- Reporting interval: quarterly
- Reporting period: up to three years unless declared final
- Point estimates: industry losses as at the time of the event (no indexation)
- CLIX ID: unique ID for each CLIX industry loss
Catalogue of insurance industry losses
All CLIX industry losses for qualifying events since 1 January 2000 through to present day.
Custom views
Sort and filter the CLIX database by industry loss size, event date, peril and affected geographic area.
Data ready at your fingertips
Download data as Microsoft Excel workbook, ready for further electronic data processing.
Other features
- Latest insurance industry event loss estimate in USD millions
- Number of claims (where available)
- Number of fatalities
- Start date and end date of event
- Main peril
- Main territory
- Status: under investigation, non-qualifying, initial, current, final

One-page event reports
Detailed information and description for each CLIX catastrophe event.
History of CLIX industry loss estimates
Full insight on CLIX events and their loss developments.
Other features
- Event description with insurance-specific information
- Start and end date
- Affected territories
- Latest industry loss figure plus all previous estimates
- CLIX reporting status
- Number of fatalities
- Reference to CLIX industry losses of similar magnitude or location

Free access to the year 2018:
Full access: Access to the CLIX industry loss database is via a subscription service: